A-Z Robotics For Teen

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  • A-Z Robotics For Teen


This is a full curriculum of Mechatronics / Robotics for Older Students separated for ages 12 to 15 and 15 to 17 years old. It is consists of 112 classes which is divided to 14 Courses over 28 months including the final project. This learning path Is consists of 3 modules of Software, Electronic and Mechanics required for our little engineers to design and build robotic systems from zero knowledge to the point that students will be able to design and built their own robot from A to Z

This is a great way of learning Coding, logic, Electronic and 3D model design as well as improving Math and science as our courses are enriched with STEM content. It also improves students soft skills such as Team work, Problem solving and critical thinking.



Weekly Hours

1 hours+2 hours Excercise



12 - 17




Online classes

Course price USD 200 for 2 months semester. 4 Trial sessions with satisfaction or refund during the first 4 sessions. Bill USD 100 monthly over the curriculum.

Course price USD 200 for 2 months semester. 4 Trial sessions with satisfaction or refund during the first 4 sessions. Bill USD 100 monthly over the curriculum.

This is a full curriculum of Mechatronics / Robotics for Older Students separated for ages 12 to 15 and 15 to 17 years old which is consists 112 classes which is divided to 14 Courses over 28 months including the final project. Each Terms is consists of 8 session which will be held by live teacher once a week for 1hour. For each One hour live class student will be provided with 3 hours of Course content and Assignments in E-learning format along with 24/7 Student support in case if they have issue with their assignments and quizzes.

This full curriculum covers of all 3 Modules of Software, Electronic and Mechanics required for our Teen engineers to design and build robotic systems. 

1st Module: Electronics /Microcontrollers

This Module teaches students how to use Microcontrollers which act as programmable brain for any given robot. Numerous sensors and motors can be controlled using Microcontrollers to create autonomous robots. Concepts such as Input/Output, Digital/Analog, Voltages, Circuits, and Resistors are introduced in this module. By the end of this modules students are ready to design, create and code many robots. A virtual software is provided to students that simulates the actual microcontroller in Actual C / Python language. 

This module has also up to 5Optional (But Highly recommended) Real labs that kids could do the real project at home using the provided kit with direct / visual guidance of Live instructor. 

2nd Module: Programming /Logic

Students will learn the structure of a robot program using the simulator software.  Also are taught how to program a robot by using their motors and sensors to accomplish tasks. Students are given projects such as maze follower and Castel crasher using loops and conditional statements with lots of practice, using Actual C / Python language. This module has also up to 4 Optional Real labs that kids could do the real Challenges using real Vex robots.

3rd Module: Mechanics & 3D Modeling/ Printing

This module introduces students to Basic CAD design and Mechanics. In this module, students are shown how to use computers and CAD (Computer-Aided Drafting) software to create mechanical parts of a robots. They will also learn dimensioning and tolerancing which are absolute necessity to fit parts. At the end of this module students are able to design their parts using CAD software and understand basic Mechanical concepts such as lever and gears. They also will have option to 3D print their parts.

Final Project:

Last semester which covers the last 8 classes, student will use the knowledge gained during the entire learning path and with our provided mentorship will design and make a full robot and program it with a logic before they could graduate. There also some more Optional but more advanced robotics projects that student could take to perfect their learning and be more creative. 


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For a limited time we are offering 2 trial lessons and a fully refundable registration fee!
The registration process takes a minute and is required to secure your kid’s spot in the class.


    You can contact our phone number or also email us on info@exceedacademy.ca . We do our best to provide you with your required informattion.
    We continuedly involve kids within our internal competitions and also while our system finds talented students through our courses, well sponsor them to participate as exceed champions in international competitions.
    For the first time registration in case, you change your mind you will receive refund till the third session. In the event of installment payment, you have to inform us 2 weeks before the new term start to cancel new registration.
    After the registration you will get an instruction to setup your kids' device properly. If you face any problem you can inform us 1 hour before the class and our technical contact you to fix the problem remotely.
    Yes. You and your kids can attend 1 trial session. You can contact us or use our website to request for trial class.
    Future Life
    • Comparison of 50 years ago with today's life and explain today vs 10 years from now.
    • Comparison of 50 years ago with today's life and explain today vs 10 years from now.
    • Second List Item
    • Third List Item
    • Comparison of 50 years ago with today's life and explain today vs 10 years from now.
    • Second List Item
    • Third List Item
    • At past Our father worked with animals
    • Today We are driving / operating  the machines
    • At future: we need to design and program robots to do the job for us and we will need to be able to provide ideas and logic and be problem solver and critical thinker/
    • Kids need to be educated and learn the future skills today to be ready for future.
    This 1st class education System is now available Worldwide
    • After about 6 years of successful experience in Canada we are starting again with a global mindset to provide this 1st class education to all international students all over the world. After tremendous updates in courses and tools now Exceed Academy is ready to serve globally.
    Exceed Academy Advantages
    Industrial Perspective
    All of our courses are designed with Future industry needs perspective in mind. What students will learn in our learning paths and courses not only will improve their knowledge and advancing their school performance but also allow them to discover their field of interest to pick a right post education and carrier in their life.  The fact that our courses are designed for industries needs of 10 years from now, kids will be well prepared with the knowledge which will be needed at future . knowledge like Robotics , AI and Machine learning.
    STEM Framework
    Robot Platforms
    Programing Languages
    For the beginner little children we use programming languages like scratch
    For the beginner little children we use programming languages like scratch
    For more advanced students we use c like languages
    In the last step we learn them how to code in Arduino and python
    3d Printing
    Extra Curriculum Activity for University Admission
    • First ListWe are a well-known Robotic school brand for the Canadians universities / Collages and our graduate students could leverage our certificate and have a good opportunity to receive admission from those universities, if your students are intending to come to study as international students in north American universities or even European or your local national universities.
    • Our Student performance history and talent detection system also allows us to exposestudents to the big industrial companies for University Scholorship  as well as future employment opportunities.
    Related Universities and Industrial companies
    Engineering Associations
    Industrial level Project and assignments
    Assignments are designed to be a small pcs and components of a real industrial applications so kids at the end of each 8 weeks of the semester will apply the gained knowledge and combined all the small projects and turn it to a real industrial grade projects,
    Sample of such these projects are :
    • Gas price display using 7 Segments
    • Digital angel meter
    • LED light intensity control
    • DC motor direction and speed control for Robot power train.
    • Musical Keyboard
    • RGB Light Control
    • Police car siren
    • Position control using servo motor
    • And many more
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